


Ben je op zoek naar hoogwaardige Handdoek met foto met Oud gebouw? Ontdek onze uitgebreide collectie online! Kies uit prachtige foto’s en unieke patronen, en bestel ze in de perfecte maat die past bij jouw ruimte.

  • Op maat gemaakte Oud gebouw Handdoek met foto
  • Verzending vanaf vrijdag 14-02-2025
  • Scherpe details en levendige kleuren
  • Profiteer van een 25% korting (reeds toegepast)

Onze collectie afbeeldingen is zorgvuldig samengesteld om je talloze opties te bieden voor het creëren van een unieke en gepersonaliseerde sfeer in jouw huis. Of je nu op zoek bent naar een opvallend statementstuk of iets subtielers, wij hebben een ontwerp dat perfect bij jouw interieurstijl past.

Door te kiezen voor onze bestverkochte decoratieve producten, zoals fotobehang, wanddecoratie, raamdecoraties, spatwanden, huistextiel, posters en stickers, verbeter je niet alleen jouw ruimte – je brengt jouw visie tot leven. Elk item wordt op maat gemaakt om perfect te passen in jouw interieur. Met oog voor detail en levendige kleuren wordt het door jou gekozen ontwerp een echte blikvanger in elke kamer.

Waarom wachten? Breng vandaag nog nieuwe inspiratie in jouw ruimte. Kies jouw favoriete foto, patroon of ontwerp en bestel het in de exacte maat die je nodig hebt voor een perfecte pasvorm. Geniet van een eenvoudig bestelproces en snelle verzending, samen met een korting van 25% die al is toegepast. Mis de kans niet om een echt uniek interieur te creëren!


Type afbeelding
Op kleur
  • Rome city, Italy. View from above favorite favorite
    Rome city, Italy. View from above
  • crowded with tourists acropolis of Athens. The main gateway, a propylaea, propylea or propylaia in sunny day favorite favorite
    crowded with tourists acropolis of Athens. The main gateway, a propylaea, propylea or propylaia in sunny day
  • Ancient Greek preserved structures with timeless classical design and architectural elements picture favorite favorite
    Ancient Greek preserved structures with timeless classical design and architectural elements picture
  • Colorful medieval stone buildings along the Grand Rue main street through the hilltop village of Tourrettes-sur-Loup, France, in the Alpes-Maritimes region of Southern France. favorite favorite
    Colorful medieval stone buildings along the Grand Rue main street through the hilltop village of Tourrettes-sur-Loup, France, in the Alpes-Maritimes region of Southern France.
  • A luxury modern home with outdoor lighting highlighting the sleek architecture and landscaped garden at night. favorite favorite
    A luxury modern home with outdoor lighting highlighting the sleek architecture and landscaped garden at night.
  • View of the old traditional Lebanese stone house over the Mediterranean sea in Byblos, Lebanon. The house is part of the ancient archaeological complex located next to it. favorite favorite
    View of the old traditional Lebanese stone house over the Mediterranean sea in Byblos, Lebanon. The house is part of the ancient archaeological complex located next to it.
  • Diriyah traditional mud-brick architecture Riyadh. Photo. favorite favorite
    Diriyah traditional mud-brick architecture Riyadh. Photo.
  • Prachtige zonsondergang in Rome in oranje, roze, paarse en paarse kleuren - een uitzicht op de bezienswaardigheden en oude architectuur in het stadscentrum vanaf het dak van het historische gebouw favorite favorite
    Prachtige zonsondergang in Rome in oranje, roze, paarse en paarse kleuren - een uitzicht op de bezienswaardigheden en oude architectuur in het stadscentrum vanaf het dak van het historische gebouw
  • The Tower of Belem with tourists in Lisbon in Portugal favorite favorite
    The Tower of Belem with tourists in Lisbon in Portugal
  • antico palazzo a milano favorite favorite
    antico palazzo a milano
  • The building has a lot of windows and a large door. The door is brown and has a fancy design. The building is very old and has a lot of detail on it favorite favorite
    The building has a lot of windows and a large door. The door is brown and has a fancy design. The building is very old and has a lot of detail on it
  • Colorful wooden houses in a narrow street in the historic center of the town overlooking Portvoo Cathedral in Finland on a sunny spring day favorite favorite
    Colorful wooden houses in a narrow street in the historic center of the town overlooking Portvoo Cathedral in Finland on a sunny spring day
  • Ancient historical ruins clip art favorite favorite
    Ancient historical ruins clip art
  • Oude ruïnes van de stad Pompei (Scavi di Pompei), Napels, Italië favorite favorite
    Oude ruïnes van de stad Pompei (Scavi di Pompei), Napels, Italië
  • An innovative building with smooth curves and a grand modern design, Generative AI favorite favorite
    An innovative building with smooth curves and a grand modern design, Generative AI
  • View of Mont de Marsan. France favorite favorite
    View of Mont de Marsan. France
  • A magical Christmas night in Jerusalem with stars and the shining Star of Bethlehem over the ancient city favorite favorite
    A magical Christmas night in Jerusalem with stars and the shining Star of Bethlehem over the ancient city
  • Pyramid of the Magician, uxmal, located in yucatan, mexico favorite favorite
    Pyramid of the Magician, uxmal, located in yucatan, mexico
  • View of ruins of Roman building of Celsus Library in ancient city of Ephesus in Izmir Province, Turkey favorite favorite
    View of ruins of Roman building of Celsus Library in ancient city of Ephesus in Izmir Province, Turkey
  • Village scene in Italy - Gradara - Pesaro province - Marche region. Town Walls of Gradara favorite favorite
    Village scene in Italy - Gradara - Pesaro province - Marche region. Town Walls of Gradara
  • PNG Old stone watchtower in an empty landscape favorite favorite
    PNG Old stone watchtower in an empty landscape
  • The City Of God  - Generative Ai favorite favorite
    The City Of God - Generative Ai
  • The monumental arch in the eastern section of the colonnade, Palmyra, Homs Governorate, Syria favorite favorite
    The monumental arch in the eastern section of the colonnade, Palmyra, Homs Governorate, Syria
  • Italy travel and landmarks. Arezzo - beautiful medieval town in Tuscany . Panoramic view of main city scquare - Piazza grande. favorite favorite
    Italy travel and landmarks. Arezzo - beautiful medieval town in Tuscany . Panoramic view of main city scquare - Piazza grande.
  • Milan Basilica of Saint Eustorgius (Basilica of Sant'Eustorgio). Basilica of Saint Eustorgius of extremely ancient origins (IV century) is known for having conserved relics of the Magi. Milan, Italy. favorite favorite
    Milan Basilica of Saint Eustorgius (Basilica of Sant'Eustorgio). Basilica of Saint Eustorgius of extremely ancient origins (IV century) is known for having conserved relics of the Magi. Milan, Italy.
  • Colosseum in Rome en ochtendzon, Italië favorite favorite
    Colosseum in Rome en ochtendzon, Italië
  • Bogota, La Candelaria historical district favorite favorite
    Bogota, La Candelaria historical district
  • Bagrati Cathedral Orthodox church (XI century) in Kutaisi city, Georgia favorite favorite
    Bagrati Cathedral Orthodox church (XI century) in Kutaisi city, Georgia
  • castell'arquato favorite favorite
  • A church with a cemetery in front of it favorite favorite
    A church with a cemetery in front of it
  • Orange roof tiles of Beijing Forbidden City with dragon pattern, China favorite favorite
    Orange roof tiles of Beijing Forbidden City with dragon pattern, China
  • Celsus-bibliotheek in Efeze, Turkije favorite favorite
    Celsus-bibliotheek in Efeze, Turkije
  • Old Street in Nice France favorite favorite
    Old Street in Nice France
  • Sumela Monastery (Turkish: Sümela Manastırı) is a Greek Orthodox monastery, in the Maçka district of Trabzon Province in modern Turkey. favorite favorite
    Sumela Monastery (Turkish: Sümela Manastırı) is a Greek Orthodox monastery, in the Maçka district of Trabzon Province in modern Turkey.
  • Karyatides-standbeelden, Erehtheio, op de Akropolis in Athene, Griekenland favorite favorite
    Karyatides-standbeelden, Erehtheio, op de Akropolis in Athene, Griekenland
  • Castello Sforzesco - Milano favorite favorite
    Castello Sforzesco - Milano
  • west lake in hangzhou china favorite favorite
    west lake in hangzhou china
  • Samutsakorn Thailand - 19 June 2021   Wat Tha Mai temple and tourist attraction in Samutsakorn province, Thailand favorite favorite
    Samutsakorn Thailand - 19 June 2021 Wat Tha Mai temple and tourist attraction in Samutsakorn province, Thailand
  • A grand, luxurious mansion with a large favorite favorite
    A grand, luxurious mansion with a large
  • The Munttoren or Munt, is the Mint Tower located on  Muntplein square in Amsterdam, Netherlands favorite favorite
    The Munttoren or Munt, is the Mint Tower located on Muntplein square in Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • palace of Dresden city view favorite favorite
    palace of Dresden city view
  • Belém do Pará. Aerial view of the historic center of Belém and Forte do Presépio favorite favorite
    Belém do Pará. Aerial view of the historic center of Belém and Forte do Presépio
  • Rough stone wall with visible textures and uneven, weathered rocks, creating rustic and historic look. Ideal as natural background or architectural texture favorite favorite
    Rough stone wall with visible textures and uneven, weathered rocks, creating rustic and historic look. Ideal as natural background or architectural texture
  • Perleberg favorite favorite
  • Colosseum of Colosseum. Ochtendzonsopgang bij enorm Romeins amfitheater, Rome, Italië. favorite favorite
    Colosseum of Colosseum. Ochtendzonsopgang bij enorm Romeins amfitheater, Rome, Italië.
  • St. Peter& 39 s Basiliek in de avond van Via della Conciliazione in Rome. Vaticaanstad Rome Italië. Rome architectuur en mijlpaal. St. Peter& 39 s kathedraal in Rome. Italiaanse renaissancekerk. favorite favorite
    St. Peter& 39 s Basiliek in de avond van Via della Conciliazione in Rome. Vaticaanstad Rome Italië. Rome architectuur en mijlpaal. St. Peter& 39 s kathedraal in Rome. Italiaanse renaissancekerk.
  • interior of an Egyptian temple favorite favorite
    interior of an Egyptian temple
  • Three white marble columns with ornate capitals supporting an archway. favorite favorite
    Three white marble columns with ornate capitals supporting an archway.
  • Columns and statues of the Luxor temple main entrance, first pylon, Egypt favorite favorite
    Columns and statues of the Luxor temple main entrance, first pylon, Egypt
  • Temple of Hadrian in the ancient city of Ephesus in Kusadasi favorite favorite
    Temple of Hadrian in the ancient city of Ephesus in Kusadasi